My favorite Instagram editing Apps and how I quickly brighten photos!

I definitely don’t have hours to spend editing photos, but having an aesthetically pleasing feed has become important to me. Since I decided to go with a light, bright, and colorful Instagram theme, I’ve found a way to quickly get the photos looking the way I want without spending hours doing so. I’ve been receiving a lot of questions on what I use to edit, and how I get my photos so bright, so below are the 4 Photo Editing Apps you can use that will make sure your Instagram photos stand out!
This is by far my favorite photo editing App, and I’ve actually been using this app longer than I’ve been using Instagram. I don’t mess around too much with the individual image tuning options, but I use the same filter on every single photo I post on Instagram. It’s called “Drama” and I usually go with Bright 1 or Bright 2 option.
“Drama” is my favorite Snapseed Filter and it literally takes seconds to use it. You can also adjust the intensity very easily. What I love about Snapseed is it saves your previous edits so you can do the exact same on the next photo if you wish. Making sure your Instagram photos look consistent and are edited similarly is important for the overall aesthetics of your feed.
I use both my Iphone 8 plus and my Sony A7II when taking photographs, and I edit them the same way. I know I loose a little bit of that lovely tan and skin tone when editing images with people, however it’s the overall brightness that I am going for.
2. Preview
I upload every photo once edited into the Preview App. This is something I don’t know what I would do without. Well I do know actually, my feed wouldn’t look the way it does and I’d constantly be guessing! Preview simply allows you to plan out your Instagram feed and move and arrange photos around before they are posted to Instagram. It also has some great filters and editing tools. I’ve never purchased any of the filter packs but heard they are great as well.
What I mainly use Preview for, is to see if the photo goes well with the rest of my feed. Since I’m focused on bright, light, and colorful photos, this makes it easy to plan and saves me so much time that I would otherwise be spending on Instagram trying to imagine. Preview allows me to easily crop or enhance the photo as well as stores all my hashtags (another time saver!).
3. Perfect 365
When I need a face editing app, Perfect 365 is my favorite go-to. I haven’t been using this much, as there is a little more time involved, however its fun to play with when you want to add makeup, longer lashes, or just soften lines on your face! The quickest tool I like to use is “soften skin” and again, you can control the intensity.
4. Instagram
I upload photos directly from my Preview App into Instagram. Once in Instagram I usually add a last minute filter adjustment. I love the Instagram built-in filter “Clarendon” it’s got a bright cool tone to it, and you can control the amount. I usually add Clarendon about 20-30% and then post the photo!
So there you have it, hope that answers some of your questions. I’ve never tried Light Room or bought any presets from anyone. Once I find what works, I tend to stick with it. For me, it’s honestly the simpler the better! Do you use any of these apps or filters? Do you have any favorites or tips you’d like to share? Comment Below!
Also, make sure to say hi and follow me on Instagram! @thismamaloveslife
XO, Candice
Those are great before and after photos! I like using Snapseed too, it’s very easy to use and I don’t have to tweak anything more. But, now I am using Lightroom. As for planning my Instagram, I prefer using Planoly 🙂
Hmm yes I’ve heard plainly is good – I wonder if there is much difference?
Thanks for sharing! I always love learning what people use to edit. I have an almost identical system but with completely different apps haha.
Very nice post and thanks fr sharing your favorite apps!!
snapseed is one of my favorites! I also use facetune to brighten up the whites in my photos!
I normally don’t comment but I have been trying to find this type of photo editing app for months now! So thank you sooooo much!!!
You are so welcome!