Baby number 2 is on the way!

WE’RE EXPECTING!! So happy to finally share our news that we are expanding our little family of 3 in the Spring. It’s hard to imagine there would be anymore room in this heart of mine for another little being, but I know there will be! It must expand!
We found out just before our trip to England in September, and shared the news with my parents before we left. While in England we dressed Hudson in the cutest little tee that shared our surprise, but it took a little while for anyone to even read his t-shirt! Too Funny! Everyone was thrilled with the news of course and can’t wait to find out what we are having!
We’ve decided to keep the sex a surprise for baby number 2! Mark didn’t actually want to find out with Hudson, but at 20 weeks – I was dying to know. I’m a planner and I couldn’t help buying clothes, decorating the nursery, and preparing for my little boy to arrive. This time, we will just have to wait patiently. There aren’t too many surprises left in life, and I know this is going to be one of the best ones of all!
We’ve also decided to list our home and move to a bigger house. We just can’t stay in our little 2 bedroom condo with a view, as much as we love it! We are excited about the new year and big changes, and a little more space with room to run around sounds pretty appealing as well! I can’t wait to build a playroom and finally buy Hudson that big play table with train set that! While on our house hunt, the kitchen is the first thing I look at, I really want a nice big kitchen with a center island. I’m sure many of you agree that this is the heart of the home, and must match my criteria!
Baby Number 2 is expected to arrive May 4th. Any Star Wars Fans? “May the 4th be with you”! We cannot wait to have another Spring Baby, and Hudson will be just over 2 years old. I just know he will make an amazing big brother!
If it’s a girl, we already have the name picked out! If its a boy, we have no idea! Any suggestions, please let me know! Stay tuned for more updates and surprises along the way! XO, Candice
We cannot wait and are super excited and so happy for you all and everyone in our families. xoxo
Yay! The best grandma!