A Little Update – Happy Holidays!

I cannot believe it’s Christmas next week! I still haven’t finished my shopping or done any baking, but I did buy a gingerbread house kit that we haven’t opened yet, and there’s an advent calendar on the counter with about 22 chocolates left to eat! Anyone else feeling like they can’t keep up?

To say the last couple of months have been “busy” is definitely an understatement. Since we returned from Europe in October, we have sold our apartment, announced our pregnancy, and bought a house. I’ve also been working from home part time in a consultant/management role, and looking after this little munchkin full time. Throw in a few Christmas parties and trying to keep up with my Instagram account, and unfortunately my Blog has taken a little bit of a hit.

I’ve already decided that one of my New Years resolutions this year will be to keep up with consistent blog posts, as I was doing until this fall. Life happens and I’m in no way apologizing for my lack of posts, I just know I’ll be able to fit it in once life settles down a little bit. I love blogging and the start of a fresh new year always gives me that extra inspiration!

Actually, who am I kidding? We are starting home renovations as soon as we move in January, and I have an entire house to furnish! What’s even crazier is that we booked a trip to Palm Springs with my parents the week before we move, arriving home the day before completion. So, we plan to be entirely packed the week between Christmas and New Years! January is going to be a crazy, but very exciting month!

Last week we had the 20 week ultrasound and opted to not find out what we are having! I’m excited and can’t wait for this surprise, but I did second guess our decision when Mark asked the technician if she knew what we were having. She said she did know and gave a little smile. The great news is that baby is developing normally and everything looks good.

We had our Christmas photos done this year at the Tree Farm in Langley by the talented photographer Siobhan Lake. It as a lot of fun and she captured some great shots of us (you couldn’t even tell it was raining!). I can’t wait until next year when we can cut down a big live tree, and the current skinny tree in our apartment can be used in the new foyer of our house.

My hope was for us to move and settle into our new house before baby is born in May. I really didn’t want to be unpacking boxes at 8 months pregnant and have little to no furniture. Mark kept saying there was no rush and we could look in the Spring (haha). I am SO grateful that we found a home we love and everything is working out. 2019 is set up to be a very exciting year and I am so thankful! What are you looking forward to in 2019?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
XO, Candice