Grace’s 8 Month Update!

Baby Grace has been 8 months for a couple weeks now! Time is flying by, and since I never got around to doing a “6 month update” I’m making this a good one! ; )

My last blog update was at 4 months! Oh man, how much she has grown! She continues to make us smile every day! She’s such an adorable, good tempered, lovable little babe!

She has 4 little teeth! First came her bottom two, then her top middle right. Now shes got another one on the top left. She doesn’t complain too much, however she loves to chew her teethers, and her cheeks have been super rosy lately with those teeth coming in!

She is such a good eater! We started her on solid food (purees) around 5 1/2 months. Mostly vegetables, fruit, baby oatmeal, then slowly introduced meat, yogurt, and eggs about a month ago. Lately she’s been self-feeding. Her favourites include cheerios, blueberries, slices of avocado, chicken, banana and pasta!

I’ve also been making my own baby food and freezing it. She loves carrots and apples with cinnamon! I usually give her a taste of whatever we are eating as well. As long as its not too salty or sweet. She couldn’t get enough of my homemade spaghetti bolognese! She eats 3 solid meals a day!

She also LOVES to drink water from a cup! There almost no food that she wont eat, and she’s practically always hungry. Although when she has had enough, she will close her mouth shut (like glued shut) LOL!

I’m still nursing baby Grace about 5 times a day, with her longest sessions first thing in the morning, and right before bed. In between she normally nurses when she wakes up from her naps and around 5pm. I love having this time with her and have no plans to end breastfeeding anytime soon.

She is a dream when it comes to sleeping. When she was 5 1/2 months we sleep trained her thanks to the help and guidance of Natalie from Wee Sleep and after 3 nights she was sleeping through the night! She normally takes 2 naps a day (sometimes 3 depending on our activities), and rarely fusses when I put her down. She almost always wakes up happy and well rested.

Grace’s Schedule: 8 months
6:30am Wakes – I bring her into bed for morning cuddles and feeding.
8:00am – Breakfast together with her brother
Some independent playtime with her toys
9:00am – 1st Nap (in her crib with sleep-sack, sound machine, and blackout curtains)
11:00am Wakes Up – change diaper/feeding, followed by lunch
1:00 – 1:30pm – 2nd Nap (same as above)
3:00pm – Wake Up – change diaper/feeding
4:30 – 5:00 – (occasional) 3rd nap (depending on the length of her first two).
5:00pm – playtime followed by feeding
5:30pm – Dinner as a family
6:00pm – Playtime & Bath(every other night)
6:30 – 7:00pm – Bedtime Routine (with feeding)
7:00 – 7:15pm – Lights Out: Put down in crib awake.
Click here for how we sleep trained Hudson in 2 days! *
*Very similar to what we did with Grace – however I loved the support and guidance this time around. I had so many questions as Grace was a lot more reliant on me – as when I started she was still waking 5-6 times a night and nursing to sleep.

Gracie loves to clap! We started music class every Saturday and she enjoys it very much! She sits and plays and watches and smiles! She also had her first swimming lesson last week, as well as her first snow fall. We took her out to play in the snow and she didn’t complain once!

She hasn’t yet said any words (except maybe Hi), and she isn’t yet crawling. I’m really in no rush for her to crawl. Hudson didn’t start crawling until about 9 months, and even so he was never a “crawling concern” lets hope Grace is cautious as well. I haven’t done any baby proofing yet.

Grace thinks its so funny when her brother tickles her, she also loves to give wet sloppy nose kisses! She is currently wearing size 6-9 month clothing, and weighs around 17 pounds!

She loves to be carried in the carrier and look out to see the world. We enjoy walking Hudson to preschool and back twice a week. I never want to forget the way she looks up at me with her gorgeous big brown eyes, or the folds in her chubby little thighs.

Her skin is the softest and her feet are still so small. She has way too many pairs of shoes and a ton of mis-matched socks (where do they go!).

Next month we will take her on an airplane for the 2nd time (first trip was to San Diego in October) for our family trip to Maui! We cannot wait! There will be many firsts and I can’t wait to enjoy the sun and sand with her! We love you so much Baby Grace and love to watch you grow!