28 Things I Want to Teach My Son One Day

As a first time mother, I’m learning new things everyday. Raising children and raising them well is serious business that requires hard work and consistency. As a mama to a little boy, I’ve started to put together a list of things I want him to learn. I’m sure this list will grow, but so far these are the things. I think they are great reminders for us all!
“It’s not what you do for your children, but what you teach them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings” – Ann Landers
1. Use your head and speak from your heart.
2. Make time for your family
3. Don’t play with other people’s feelings.
4. Be kind to animals.
5. Be humble.
6. Learn to dance.
7. There’s something to be learned from everyone you meet.
8. Take care of your body.
9. Life is too short to be unhappy.
10. Stand up for the little guy.
11. Be the person people can trust.
12. Never drink and drive.
13. Do what you love.
14. Ask your future wife’s father permission before you propose.
15. Table manners. Use them.
16. Learn to cook.
17. Being a gentlemen will never go out of fashion.
18. Be kind to everyone you meet.
19. Don’t make a big decision in the heat of the moment.
20. Tell the truth.
21. Stand up for what you believe in.
22. Always think twice before you hit “send”
23. Make your bed every morning.
24. Pain has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Remember this when you are hurt.
25. You’re not the center of the world. Yes, you’re the center of MY world, but not everyone’s. Don’t be selfish and don’t be late.
26. Don’t be the loudest guy in the room.
27. Greet people with a firm handshake.
28. The best things in life aren’t always free, but they are definitely better when shared.
Hudson’s Blue Beanie: Little & Lively
Hudson’s Grey Beanie: Lille Mus | Suspenders and sweater: Osh Kosh
Green Scarf: Aritzia | Mom Life Sweater: My Cheeky Baby
Green Hunter Boots: Hunter | Cream Knit Sweater: Roots Canada
What do you think? What is your favorite on this list? I would love to hear comments below 🙂
Love this! It gave me all the Mom feels ❤️
Aww thank you! I’m glad 🙂
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Jan Zac
Well said! But I need to know where you got Hudson’s amazing little shoes 😍
Those shoes were actually a thrift store find! I’ll have to check the brand 🙂
If your son pays attention to this advice he will be the exact kind of guy I want for my daughters one day : ) I think most of these points are universally applicable for boys and girls though. Beautifully written – thanks!
Candice I loved loved all your thoughts for Hudson, , Dans motto was strength and honor, strong and simple words !!!!
These are great! You and your son are too cute!
I love these, I have two boys of my own and I want to teach all of these too!
This is the cutest thing ever and such a great idea! I love number 7. We can definitely learn something from everyone we meet whether it be good or bad.
This is absolutely beautifully said. I hope you succeed in raising a good and kind little gentleman. My favorite is 24 “Pain has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Remember this when you are hurt.” That’s a hard lesson to learn for anyone. It matters how you handle the pain and what it shapes you into.