Newborn Baby Essentials I cant live without!

Newborn Baby Essentials I cant live without!

This post is in partnership with Ivory Snow. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

There’s another baby in the house and it’s true what they say… The second time around things are, or do seem a little easier! This “second time mama” has a few tricks up her sleeve and has gained a bit more experience which is why I want to share with you all, some items that I cannot live without and remain on my list of “Newborn Essentials” since my first was born.

ivory snowIvory Snow Newborn Laundry Detergent

With a newborn baby in the house, laundry is a daily activity.  Knowing how delicate her skin is, Ivory Snow is the only detergent I trust to be gentle enough for her newborn skin, yet effectively clean her clothes.  I use Ivory Snow to pre-wash all her new clothing and blankets.  It’s a great item to add to your baby registry or to purchase as a shower gift.  It’s definitely one of those baby necessities that’s not always thought about!

baby laundry newborn essentialsIt’s fun preparing for baby and pre-washing their sweet clothes.  With both my babies, my mom came over one Saturday afternoon and we washed and folded the items I had received at my shower.  All while day-dreaming of the sweet babe who would soon be wearing them!  I love how gentle Ivory Snow it is on their delicate skin. It’s no wonder it’s the #1 pediatrician recommended baby laundry detergent. To try Ivory Snow for yourself, check out a $3-off coupon here!

mama and newborn Baby Onesies / Bodysuits

We love these essential “baby bodysuits” and I make sure to have an assortment of both short and long sleeves.  They are perfect for Spring/Summer babies when a sleeper is too warm for everyday wear. They are also perfect for underneath outfits in the colder weather.  We use them instead of regular shirts because they snap at the crotch and help keep baby’s diaper in place, while not exposing baby’s tender, kissable bellies to the cold!

newborn onesiesSleep Sack Swaddles

Both my babies loved being swaddled with their arms up at night.  My toddler still sleeps in a sleep sack and it has definitely helped us with his sleep routine.  He’s a great sleeper (7pm – 7am every night), and I firmly believe a sleep sack has been a key part of that. They also keep baby safe and warm without the use of loose blankets in the bassinet or the crib.

swaddle sackBaby Carrier / Wrap

Both Hudson and Grace loved being carried.  It keeps baby nice and close, and provides benefits such as bonding, colic relief, and physical development.  It allows me to have my hands free and get things done while baby sleeps against my chest.  Lately I’ve been using the baby wrap while watching big brother’s soccer practice or taking him to the playground.

baby carrier Having a baby and knowing what essentials to buy and have on hand can be an overwhelming experience! This is just a short list of a few items I’ve found helpful along the way.

What are some newborn essentials that you can’t live without?

Comment Below! XO, Candice

ivory snow baby detergent

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